1. Cerebrovascular Research; Cleveland Clinic Lerner Research Institute; Cleveland Ohio U.S.A
2. Department of Molecular Medicine; Cleveland Clinic Lerner Research Institute; Cleveland Ohio U.S.A
3. Department of Bio-medical Engineering; Cleveland Clinic Lerner Research Institute; Cleveland Ohio U.S.A
4. Department of Pathobiology; Cleveland Clinic Lerner Research Institute; Cleveland Ohio U.S.A
5. Department of Neurosurgery and Neurobiology; Stanford University School of Medicine; Stanford California U.S.A
6. Laboratory of Cerebrovascular Mechanisms of Brain Disorders; Department of Neuroscience; Institute of Functional Genomics; CNRS; Montpellier France
7. Department of Internal Medicine and Therapeutics; University of Pavia and C. Mondino National Neurological Institute; Pavia Italy
8. Department of Neurosurgery; Cleveland Clinic Lerner Research Institute; Cleveland Ohio U.S.A