1. Section Climate Dynamics and Landscape Evolution GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences Telegrafenberg Potsdam 14473 Germany
2. Institute of Geosciences University of Potsdam Karl‐Liebknecht‐Str. 24–25 Potsdam 14476 Germany
3. Department of Invertebrate Zoology and Hydrobiology University of Łódź Banacha st. 12/16 Łódź 90‐237 Poland
4. Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences Ecosystems and Environment Research Programme University of Helsinki Niemenkatu 73 Lahti 15140 Finland
5. Polish Geological Institute ‐ National Research Institute Pomeranian Branch in Szczecin Wieniawskiego 20 Szczecin 71‐130 Poland
6. Department of Environmental Resources and Geohazards Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization Polish Academy of Sciences Kopernika 19 Toruń 87‐100 Poland