1. The Frost Medical Group, LLC Conshohocken PA USA
2. Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University Providence RI USA
3. Stanley Street Treatment and Resources, Inc. Fall River MA USA
4. Discipline of Addiction MedicineUniversity of Sydney Surry Hills NSW Australia
5. South East Sydney Local Health District Surry Hills NSW Australia
6. King'’s College London, National Addiction CentreInstitute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience London UK
7. Hunter Medical Research InstituteUniversity of Newcastle Newcastle NSW Australia
8. Hunter New England Local Health District Newcastle NSW Australia
9. Columbia University Medical Center New York NY USA
10. Højbjerg Denmark
11. Behandlingscenter Odense Odense C Denmark
12. Praxiszentrum Friedrichsplatz, Competence Center for Addiction Medicine Kassel Germany
13. Discipline of Addiction MedicineUniversity of Sydney Camperdown NSW Australia
14. Royal Prince Alfred Hospital Camperdown NSW Australia
15. Braeburn Inc. Plymouth Meeting PA USA
16. Camurus AB Lund Sweden