Prader–Willi syndrome in a large sample from Spain: general features, obesity and regular use of psychotropic medication


González‐Domenech P. J.12,Gurpegui M.13ORCID,González‐Domenech C. M.4,Gómez‐González S.5,Rustarazo A.6,Ruiz‐Nieto V.6,Carretero M. D.12,Gutiérrez‐Rojas L.127


1. Multicentre CTS‐549 Research Group (Psychiatry and Neurosciences), Junta de Andalucía Granada Spain

2. Department of Psychiatry Universidad de Granada Granada Spain

3. Granada Centre for Psychiatric Studies Granada Spain

4. Department of Microbiology Universidad de Málaga Málaga Spain

5. Department of Biology Universidad de Cádiz Puerto Real Spain

6. Asociación Española para el Síndrome de Prader–Willi Madrid Spain

7. Psychiatry Service Hospital Clínico San Cecilio Granada Spain


AbstractBackgroundPrader–Willi syndrome (PWS), a genetically determined disorder, the most frequent cause of early onset obesity, is associated with physical and cognitive dysfunctions and behavioural disturbances; these disturbances are frequently treated with psychotropic medication. The aim of this cross‐sectional study was to describe the characteristics of the first large national sample of persons with PWS in Spain and analyse the relationships of those characteristics with key demographic and clinical factors, particularly with obesity and the regular use of psychotropic medication.MethodsParticipants were recruited among all members of the Spanish Prader–Willi Association who agreed to take part in the study and fulfilled its inclusion criteria. Family and patient demographic features, family size and birth order, intelligence quotient (IQ), anthropometric measures, lifestyle habits, behavioural disturbances (with the Aberrant Behavior Checklist) and clinical data, as well as use of psychotropic drugs and their side effects (with the UKU scale), were collected in genetically confirmed cases of PWS. Bivariate and logistic regression analyses were used for determining the associations of demographic and clinical factors with both obesity and the regular use of psychotropic medication.ResultsThe cohort included 177 participants (aged 6–48 years), that is, 90 (50.8%) males and 87 (49.2%) females. Behavioural disturbances were present in a range of 75% to 93% of participants; psychotropic medication was prescribed to 81 (45.8%) of them. Number of siblings showed a direct correlation with IQ, especially among males, and inappropriate speech was more intense in only‐child females. Obesity was, in parallel, strongly associated with ascending age and with not being currently under growth hormone (GH) treatment. Participants taking any psychotropic medication were characterised by more frequent age ≥30 years, high level of hyperactivity and a psychiatric diagnosis.ConclusionsCharacterisation of persons with PWS in Spain confirms their physical and behavioural phenotype and supports the long‐term application of GH therapy and the rational use of psychotropic medication.



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