1. Non-Communicable Diseases Research Unit; South African Medical Research Council; Cape Town South Africa
2. Faculty of Health and Wellness Sciences; Cape Peninsula University of Technology; Cape Town South Africa
3. Hubert Department of Global Health; Rollins School of Public Health; Emory University; Atlanta GA USA
4. Department of Medicine; MedStar Health System; Baltimore MD USA
5. Diabetes Research Center; Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy; Brussels Free University; Brussels Belgium
6. Department of Internal Medicine; Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences; University of Yaounde I; Yaounde Cameroon
7. Division of Chemical Pathology; Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences; National Health Laboratory Service (NHLS); University of Stellenbosch; Cape Town South Africa
8. Department of Medicine; Groote Schuur Hospital; University of Cape Town; Cape Town South Africa
9. The George Institute for Global Health; The University of Sydney; Sydney NSW Australia