1. 1. RF Yellon . Head and neck space infections . Bluestone’s Paediatric Otolaryngology , Vol. 2 , Ch. 100, 4th edn . W. B. Saunders: Philadelphia, 2002 ; 1681 -701 .
2. 2. BA Scott, CM Stiernberg, and BP Driscoll . Infections of the deep spaces of the neck . Bailey’s Head and Neck Surgery - Otolaryngology , Vol. 1 , Ch. 60, 3rd edn . Lippencott Williams and Wilkins: Philadelphia, 2001 ; 703 -15 .
3. Accuracy and Usefulness of Radiographic Assessment of Cervical Neck Infections in Children
4. Accuracy of computerized tomography in deep neck infections in the pediatric population
5. Ultrasonography in the evaluation of neck abscesses in children