1. *Anderson A. L.(2014).Effects of a culturally relevant peer‐delivered computer‐assisted intervention on academic vocabulary acquisition and generalization of Latino English learners with disabilities (Publication No. 3636094). Doctoral dissertation The University of North Carolina at Charlotte. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global.
2. 2014 Wayne State University D. Avenall What are the similarities and differences of reading instruction of fourth grade students with learning disabilities taught in a co‐taught classroom a resource classroom and a single‐taught teacher classroom?
3. *Ballin A. E.(2011).The quest for a meaningful special education: The educational journeys of nine students with learning disabilities from an inaccessible learning environment to one that enabled them to learn (Order No. 3482542). Doctoral dissertation Lesley University. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global.
4. Enduring Issues In Special Education
5. A Snapshot of RTI Implementation a Decade Later: New Picture, Same Story