1. 1. It is impossible to state her prospects for survival and handicaps: her gestation was 26 weeks and her size that of a fetus around 22 weeks. It is reasonable to say her prospects were better than babies of 22 weeks' gestation, but not as good as other babies at 26 weeks. References 8-11 in the paper are of little help in predicting for this baby.
2. 2. The baby in reference 12 of the paper was 25 weeks' gestation, 380 g birthweight, hospitalized 122 days (vs. 200 + days in the present case) and cost $202,000. Thus $150,000 for the present case is most likely an underestimate.
3. Increasing the survival of extremely‐immature (24‐ to 28‐weeks' gestation) infants — at what cost?
4. Escalating Consumption of Nursery Resources by Extremely Immature Infants