1. 1. Educational materials available from C/SEC, Inc., 15 Maynard Rd., Dedham, MA 02026; Frankly Speaking, A Pamphlet for Cesarean Couples (postpartum information) Manual for Setting up Prepared Childbirth Classes for Cesarean Parents. Guidelines for Childbirth Instructors (included in Manual). Guide for Prepared Cesarean Birth (included in Manual). The "Once a Cesarean, Always a Cesarean?" letter. State lists (names of Cesarean Support Groups in each state). Back Newsletters from C/Sec. "Having a Section is Having a Baby" 35 minute slide presentation with accompanying tape about family-centered Cesarean birth. For brochure write C/SEC, c/o 15 Maynard Rd., Dedham, MA 02026.
2. Prepared Childbirth and The Concept of Control
3. The Cesarean Section Patient Is a New Mother Too