1. Royal Society for the Protection of Birds; Sandy UK
2. IUCN Species Survival Commission; Invasive Species Specialist Group; Institute for Environmental Protection and Research; Rome Italy
3. Estación Biológica de Doñana (EBD-CSIC); Seville Spain
4. University College London; London UK
5. Biology Department; Ghent University; Ghent Belgium
6. SEO/BirdLife; Madrid Spain
7. Pyrenean Institute of Ecology (IPE-CSIC); Zaragoza Spain
8. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves; Lisbon Portugal
9. CABI UK; Egham UK
10. University of Bern; Bern Switzerland
11. Natagora; Namur Belgium
12. Institute of Botany; The Czech Academy of Sciences; Průhonice Czech Republic
13. Department of Ecology; Faculty of Science; Charles University; Prague 2 Czech Republic
14. Environment Agency Austria; Vienna Austria
15. BirdLife International; Cambridge UK
16. Via Valentino Mazzola; Roma Italy
17. Royal Society for the Protection of Birds Scotland; Edinburgh UK