1. Institute of Ecology, Ecosystem Functions; Leuphana University of Lüneburg; Scharnhorststraße 1 21335 Lüneburg Germany
2. Department of Entomology; The Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment; The Hebrew University of Jerusalem; Rehovot P.O.Box 12 Rehovot 7612001 Israel
3. IOC - SPNI Israeli Ornithological Center; Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel; Tel-Aviv 66186 Israel
4. Centre of Methods; Leuphana University of Lüneburg; Scharnhorststraße 1 21335 Lüneburg Germany
5. Research Institute of Wildlife Ecology; Savoyenstraße 1 A-1160 Vienna Austria
6. Chair of Nature Conservation and Landscape Ecology; Institute of Earth and Environmental Sciences; University of Freiburg; Fahnenbergplatz 79085 Freiburg Germany