1. Legend: * Row-original data (input and output indicator scores).
2. # Row-weights input and output scores. Definitions: Prof. = Professional. Tech. = Technician. Supp. = Non-technical support staff.
3. Output Categories: 01 = Inventions (patents, copyrights, deliverables). 02 = Published papers. 03 = Unpublished technical reports, instructional documents, manuscripts, and formal talk. 04 = Books. 05 = Secondary effects. 06 = Training of outside professionals. [O] = b|01 + b2*02 + b3*03 + b4*04 + b5*05 + b6*06 Set (weighted coefficients): b1 = b4 = 5, b2 = b6 =2, b3 = 1, b5 =2.