1. 1See William James, "The Experience of Activity,"Essays in Radical Empiricism(Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1976) 86. Reference to this book of essays, first published in 1912, will be to this edition, hereafter RE. The essay was first published in thePsychological Reviewof 1905.
2. 2William James,The Principles of Psychology(1890; Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1983) 308; hereafter abbreviated as PP.
3. 3James is neglected, for example, in George Lakoff and Mark Johnson,Philosophy in the Flesh(New York: Basic Books, 1999), entirely absent from the index and extensive bibliography of this voluminous book.
4. 4William James, "The Moral Equivalent of War,"The Writings of William James, ed. John McDermott (Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1977) 664, 665, 670.
5. 5The Correspondence of William James(Charlottesville: UP of Virginia, 1995), vol. 4, 33.