1. P. Athukorala (2002 ), 'Trade Policy Reforms, Export Strategies, and the Incentive Structure', Background paper to the World Bank study 'Vietnam's Exports: Policies and Prospects' (Hanoi: World Bank Vietnam).
2. P. Athukorala (2002 ), 'Foreign Direct Investment and Manufacturing Exports: Opportunities and Strategies', Background paper to the World Bank study 'Vietnam's Exports: Policies and Prospects' (Hanoi: World Bank Vietnam).
3. P. Athukorala (2004 ), 'Trade Policy Reforms and the Structure of Protection in Vietnam' (Hanoi: ADB Vietnam and Ministry of Finance).
4. Trade Policy in Malaysia: Liberalization Process, Structure of Protection, and Reform Agenda
5. P. Athukorala, J. Jogwanich, and A. Kohpaiboon (2004 ), 'Tariff Reform and the Structure of Protection in Thailand' (Bangkok: World Bank Thailand, draft report).