Where communitarian theorists were once voices crying in the wilderness of political philosophy, now they camp near the centre of the discipline. This paper appraises the success of the new communal stirrings, particularly the work of Alasdair MacIntyre, Michael Sandel, Michael Walzer and Benjamin Barber. It also evaluates and finds wanting the liberal critics of the new communitarian turn, who defend the ‘thin’ theory of the self against the ‘thicker’, embedded theories of self advanced by the communitarians. The critics' contention that liberal tolerance and human rights depend on a ‘thin’ theory of the self is not persuasive. Yet the theories of community submitted as remedies for ‘thin’ theories of the self are themselves too thin. First, consideration of individual elements of community is too narrow. Character, for example, is mentioned by many of the communitarians but not explored in depth. Secondly, even those theorists who examine some essentials in depth neglect the range of requirements, particularly authority, loyalty and commitment. The communitarian line of argument, however, may very well help to move theoretical and political debate beyond the sterile confines of regnant ideologies.
Sociology and Political Science
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14 articles.