1. S. H. Beer, 1958 . ?Group Representation in Britain and the United States ?, The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science.
2. I. A. Buksti, 1976 . The Adaptation of Organizations to Environmental Changes . The Case of the Danish Agriculture and Fisheries. Some Tentative Considerations, paper, 2nd EGOS-colloquium, June, 1976.
3. J. A. Buksti, 1979 . Corporate Structures in Danish EC Policy: Patterns of Organizational Participation and Adaptation. Paper for ECPR-workshop, Brussels, April, 1979.
4. J. A. Buksti, and L. N. Johansen, 1977 . The Scope and Validity of the Corporatism-Model. paper for ECPR-workshop, Berlin, April, 1977.