1. Clinical division of Otorhinolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery University Hospitals Leuven Leuven Belgium
2. Laboratory of Clinical Immunology Department of Microbiology and Immunology KU Leuven Leuven Belgium
3. Center for Rhinology and Allergology Wiesbaden Germany
4. Department of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery University of Eskisehir Osmangazi Eskisehir Turkey
5. Department of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Transylvania University Brasov Romania
6. Swiss Institute of Allergy and Asthma Research Christine Kuhne-Center for Allergy Research and Education University of Zurich Davos Switzerland
7. Upper Airway Research Laboratory Ghent University Hospital Ghent Belgium
8. Hôpital Arnaud de Villeneuve University Hospital of Montpellier Montpellier France
9. Service d'ORL Cliniques Universitaires St-Luc Brussels Belgium
10. Institut de Recherche Expérimentale et Clinique (IREC) Pole de Pneumologie, ORL & Dermatologie Université catholique de Louvain (UCL) Brussels Belgium
11. Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery University Hospital Sestre milosrdnice Zagreb Croatia
12. ENT Department Faculty of Medicine University of Oradea Oradea Romania
13. Institute of Medical Statistics, Informatics, and Epidemiology Medical Faculty University of Köln Cologne Germany
14. Unitat de Rinologia i Clinica de l'Olfacte, Servei d'Otorinolaringologia Hospital Clínic Barcelona Catalonia Spain
15. ENT Department Faculty of Medicine Kirikkale University Kirikkale Turkey
16. The Referral Centre for Food Allergy Diagnosis and Treatment Veneto Region Department of Mother and Child Health University of Padua Padua Italy
17. Allergy Department 2nd Pediatric Clinic University of Athens Athens Greece
18. University of Manchestter Manchester UK
19. Nippon Medical School Tokyo Japan
20. Allergy Service Carlos Haya Hospital Malaga Spain
21. London Allergyology and Immunology Center London UK
22. Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Temple University Philadelphia USA
23. Department of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Beijing Tongren Hospital Capital Medical University Beijing China
24. Department of Otorhinolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery Academic Medical Centre (AMC) Amsterdam The Netherlands