1. Clinical Dermatology IRCCS Istituto Ortopedico Galeazzi Milan Italy
2. Department of Biomedical, Surgical, and Dental Sciences University of Milan Milan Italy
3. Department of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences University of Padua Padua Italy
4. AOU Maggiore della Carità Novara Italy
5. Lübeck Institute of Experimental Dermatology University of Lübeck Lübeck Germany
6. Clinical Dermatology Department IRCCS S. Gallicano Dermatological Institute Rome Italy
7. Department of Cardiac, Thoracic, Vascular Sciences and Public Health, Unit of Hygiene and Public Health University of Padua Padua Italy
8. Laboratory for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (LIAM), Department of Mathematics and Statistics York University Toronto Canada
9. Faculty of Medicine, Department of Dermatology Jagellonian University Medical College Krakow Poland
10. Department of Rheumatology and Immunology University Hospital of Krakow Krakow Poland
11. Department of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences (DIBIC) Università degli Studi di Milano Milano Italy
12. Department of Health Sciences University of Eastern Piedmont Novara Italy