1. 1. K.E. Walker, and M.E. Woods (1976 ) Time Use: A Measure of Household Production of Family Goods and Services , Center for the Family of the American Home Economics Association, Washington, D.C.20036 .
2. 2. W.P. Levins (1980 ) Energy and the Laundry Process . Contract No. W-7405, eng-23, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, pp. 20 -23 .
3. 3. Judging How Much Laundry Detergent to Use (1982 ) Consumer Affairs Committee, The Soap and Detergent Association, 475 Park Avenue South, New York, NY10016 .
4. 4. L.J. Peet, and M.S. Pickett (1974 ) Young Homemaker's Equipment Guide , 4th edn . pp. 165 -167 , The Iowa State University Press, Ames, Iowa165 .