1. Consultant Haematologist, NHS Blood and Transplant; Newcastle upon Tyne; UK
2. Consultant Haematologist; NHSBT Filton; UK and North Bristol NHS Trust; Bristol; UK
3. Programme Director; Better Blood Transfusion; Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service; Edinburgh; UK
4. Blood Transfusion Quality Manager; Leeds Teaching Hospitals; Leeds; UK
5. Associate Medical Director-Patient Services; NHS Blood and Transplant; Filton; UK
6. Consultant Haematologist; NHS Blood & Transplant and Leeds Teaching Hospitals; Leeds; UK
7. Transfusion Nurse Specialist; Hull and East Yorkshire NHS Trust; Hull; UK
8. Visiting Professor; Department of Immunology; University of Lincoln; Lincoln; UK
9. Clinical Director Supply Chain; Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service; Edinburgh; UK
10. Consultant Haematologist NHSBT and Chair; BCSH Transfusion Task Force; London; UK