1. Department of Internal Medicine; Hospital Ramon y Cajal; IRYCIS; Madrid; Spain
2. Division of Haematology; University of Pavia Medical School; Fondazione IRCCS; Policlinico San Matteo; Pavia; Italy
3. Hospital Duran i Reynals; ICO; Barcelona; Spain
4. Department of Haematology; Ospedale S.G. Moscati; ASL; Taranto; Italy
5. Department of Pathology; Hospital Virgen de la Salud; Toledo; Spain
6. Department of Haemato-Oncology; Royal Marsden Hospital/Institute of Cancer; London; UK
7. Unit of Lymphoid Malignancies; San Raffaele Scientific Institute; Milan; Italy
8. Department of Haematology; Hospital del Mar; Barcelona; Spain
9. UOC Ematologia Ospedale Sant'Anna; Ronciglione ; Viterbo; Italy
10. Department of Oncology; Hospital Gregorio Marañon; Madrid; Spain
11. Department of Haematology; Hospital Universitario, Santiago de Compostela; Spain
12. Department of Haematology; Hospital Universitario de Canarias; Tenerife; Spain
13. Department of Haematology; Hospital Clínico; Salamanca; Spain
14. Hospital General Universitari; Valencia; Spain
15. Department of Pathology; Hospital Marques de Valdecilla; Santander; Spain