1. Katharine Dormandy Haemophilia Centre and Thrombosis Unit Royal Free Hospital London UK
2. Novo Nordisk A/S Søborg Denmark
3. Copenhagen University Copenhagen Denmark
4. Division of Hematology University Hospital Zurich Switzerland
5. University Department of Haematology Manchester Royal Infirmary Manchester UK
6. Haemophilia Centre National Blood Centre Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
7. Department of Internal Medicine―Angiology, Haemostasis and Coagulation disorders Vivantes Hospital im Friedrichshain Berlin Germany
8. Division of Haematology and Haemostasis Department of Medicine 1 Medical University of Vienna Vienna Austria
9. Imperial College London Hammersmith Hospital London UK
10. Department of Molecular Medicine and Haematology Faculty of Health Sciences University of the Witwatersrand and NHLS Johannesburg South Africa
11. Zentrum für Innere Medizin Med. Klinik III Hämophilie‐Zentrum Frankfurt/M Germany
12. Thrombosis and Haemostasis Unit Department of Haematology Rigshospitalet Copenhagen Denmark
13. Haematology Department Hospital Universitario La Paz Madrid Spain
14. Division of Hematology Department of Medicine Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital Bangkok Thailand