1. World Health Organization.Obesity and Overweight; 2018.https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/obesity-and-overweight. Accessed April 16 2019.
2. Organisation for Economic Co‐Operation and Development. Obesity Update 2017; 2017.https://www.oecd.org/els/health-systems/Obesity-Update-2017.pdf. Accessed April 16 2019.
3. The State of Obesity. National Obesity Rates & Trends.https://www.stateofobesity.org/obesity-rates-trends-overview/. Accessed April 16 2019.
4. The State of Obesity. The Healthcare Costs of Obesity.https://stateofobesity.org/healthcare-costs-obesity/. Accessed April 16 2019.
5. The Medical Risks of Obesity