1. School of Public Health; The University of Sydney; Sydney New South Wales Australia
2. Division of Nephrology; St Michael's Hospital; Toronto Ontario Canada
3. Department of Medicine; University of Toronto; Toronto Ontario Canada
4. Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences; University of Auckland; Auckland New Zealand
5. Department of Renal Medicine; Counties Manukau District Health Board; Auckland New Zealand
6. Department of Medicine and Health of Older People; Waitemata District Health Board; Auckland New Zealand
7. Nuffield Department of Population Health; Health Economics Research Centre; The University of Oxford; Headington UK
Auckland Medical Research Foundation
Gambro Pty Ltd (New Zealand)
Fresenius Medical Care Australia Pty Ltd
Fresenius Medical Care Asia-Pacific Pty Ltd
Health Research Council of New Zealand
Kidney Health New Zealand (formerly the National Kidney Foundation, New Zealand)
Lottery Health Research Foundation (New Zealand)
Maurine and Phyllis Paykel Trust
New Zealand Ministry of Health
The Royal Australasian College of Physicians Jacquot Foundation
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5 articles.