1. C. Antunes, and F. W. Tesch , 1994 : Critical consideration of the so-called 'Metamorphosis zone' when identifying daily ring in the otolith of glass eels and eel larvae (Anguilla anguilla). Proceedings of 8thInternational Ichthyology Congress, Working Group on eel, Oviedo, Spain. September 1994, 13 pp.
2. Otolith length/fish length relationship of leptocephali, elvers, and sub-adult (reared) eelsAnguilla anguilla
3. Budimawan , 1996 : Contribution a la connaissance des phases marines du developpement larvaire de cinq especes d'anguilles atlantiques et indo-pacifiques: Etude otolithometrique . These de Doctorat Oce-anologie , Universite de Perpignan, 125 pp.