1. B. Badu-Apraku, 1986 ; Nature and inheritance of resistance to anthracnose leaf blight and stalk rot in corn , Ph. D. Thesis , Cornell University, 124 p.
2. G. C. Bergstrom, and R. L. Nicholson, 1979, Influence of host developmental stage on the susceptibility ot maize toColletotrichum graminicola. - Proc. IX Int . Congress of Plant Protection Washington, DC, Abstr. No. 116.
3. Inheritance of Resistance to Anthracnose Leaf Blight in Five Inbred Lines of Corn
4. The Inheritance of Resistance to Stalk Red Rot in Sorghum
5. Cimmytreview , 1979 Centre Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maize Y Trigo.