1. Anonymus, 1907 : A pine disease(Diplodia pinea, Kickx.). Board of Agriculture and Fisheries, London. Leaflet No. 199.
2. Commonwealth Mycological Institute , 1969 : Pathogen:Diplodia pinea(Desm.) Kickx. Hosts: Pine (Pinusspp.) and other Coniferae. Distr. Maps Pl. Dis. No. 459.
3. Stem canker of pin causede by Crumenula sororia
4. A. Biraghi, and F. Moriondo, 1967 : Biology and epidemiology ofMelampsora pinitorqua(pine twist rust). Istituto di Patologia Forestale, Project No. E15-FS-5, Grant No. FG-It-119, June 1, 1962 - May 31, 1967, Final Report.