1. K. M. Dyce, W. O. Sack, and C.J. G. Wensing, 1987 : The cardiovascular system. Textbook of Veterinary Anatomy . W. B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia, pp.212 -254 .
2. H. E. Evans, and G. C. Christensen, 1979 : Miller's Anatomy of the Dog , 2nd ed. W. B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia, pp.757 -800 .
3. International Committee on Veterinary Gross Anatomical Nomenclature , 1983 : Angiologia. Nomina Anatomica Veterinaria , 3rd ed. Published by International Committee on Veterinary Gross Anatomical Nomenclature, Ithaca, New York, p.A102 .