1. Note: for sake of clarity, titles in the Russian language are translated into English; serials in the Russian language are neither translated nor abbreviated, but transliterated into the Latin alphabet. A full listing in Cyrillic of the Russian language citations is available from T. J. Poprawski.
2. International code of zoological nomenclature / Code international de nomenclature zoologique
3. [Data for a study of the harmful aphid fauna of grains.] Trudy Instituta Zashchity Rastenii;Abashidze;Akademiya Nauk Gruzinskoi SSR,1954
4. [On new genera and species of aphids (Aphididae).];Aizenberg;Zapisky Bolchevskoi Biologicheskoi Stantsii,1935
5. Algunos afidos mexicanos;Baker;An. Inst. Biol. Univ. Nac. Mex.,1934