1. A. R. Blem, R. E. Baser, and C. A. Stutte, 1977 : Proc. 4 Ann. meet . PGRWG, Hot Springs, p.351 .
2. A. Bouniols, J. Decan, A. Pare, M. Mondies, and B. Pujol, 1978 : C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris t. 286 , Serie D, 1673 -1676 .
3. Response of Bragg Soybean to TIBA (2,3,5‐Triiodobenzoic Acid)
4. K. E. Crosby, C. H. Aung, and G. R. Buss, 1978 : Proc. 5. Ann. Meet . PGRWG, Blacksburg, 86 -93 .