1. The tolerance to desiccation of the submerged macrophytes Ruppia cirrhosa (Petagna) grande and Zostera capensis setchell
2. R.R. Anderson (1966 ) Plant ecology of the upper Patuxent River estuary with special reference to the effects of thermal pollution on macrophytes. PhD thesis , University of Maryland, College Park.
3. C.F. Boudouresque, A. Jeudy De Grissac, and J. Olivier (1984 ) First International Workshop on Posidonia Beds . G.I.S. Posidonie, Marseille, vol. 1, 454 pp.
4. C.F. Boudouresque, A. Meinesz, E. Fresi, and V. Gravez (1989 ) Second International Workshop on Posidonia oceanica Beds . G.I.S. Posidonie, Marseille, vol. 2, 322 pp.
5. Biology of the salinity tolerant genus Ruppia L. in saline lakes in South Australia I. Morphological variation within and between species and ecophysiology