1. Some results from cattle blood group work in Norway. - VII. Internationaler Tierzuchtkongreß;Braend;Madrid. Thema,1956
2. The incidence of antigen J in cattle and the production of anti_J by isoimmunization;Elliot;J. Immunology,1956
3. Über die Gewinnung wirksamer Testseren für die Blutgruppenbestimmung beim Rind;Forschner;Z. für Tierzüchtung und Züchtungsbiologie,1955
4. Bloodgrouping and its utilization in animal breeding. - VII. Internationaler Tierzuchtkongreß;Irwin;Madrid. Thema,1956
5. I. Isoagglutination in the blood of cattle. - II. Irregularities observed in isoagglutination reaction of the blood of bovines. - III. Inactivation by heat of the isoagglutinins in the blood of cattle with reactivation by the additions of fresh cow serum. - IV. The deterioration of isoagglutinins in stored bovine serum. The reactivation of the agglutinins by the addition of normal cow serum;Little;J. Immunology,1929