1. R. D. Gitaitis, D. Sumner, D. Gat. D. Smittle, B. Maw, B. Tollner, Y. Hung, M. Lemattre, S. Freigoun, K. Rudolph, and J.G. Swings (1992 ): Populations ofPseudomonas viridiflava, P. cepacia, pectinolytic bacteria, and total bacteria from soils, irrigation water, onion foliage and onion bulbs in Georgia, USA . In: In: Plant Pathogenic Bacteria, 8th Int. Conf., Versailles (France), pp. 791 -796 . Ed. INRA (Les Colloques, no. 66).
2. Fluorescence on Single-Carbon Sources for Separation ofPseudomonas syringaepv.syringae, P. syringaepv.tomato,andP. viridiflavaon Tomato Transplants
3. A Determinative Scheme for the Fluorescent Plant Pathogenic Pseudomonads