1. Effects of Glycerol Concentration, Equilibration Time and Temperature of Glycerol Addition on Post-Thaw Viability of Boar Spermatozoa Frozen in Straws
2. S. Einarsson, L. A. Johnson, and K. Larsson (1985 ). Transport of boar sperm in the female genitale tract. Proceedings 1. st Int. Conf. on Deep Freezing of Boar Semen, Uppsala, Sweden. (pp189 -197 ).
3. H.C.B Reed, L. Johnson, and K. Larsson (1985 ). Current use of frozen boar semen - future need of frozen boar semen. Proceedings l. st. Int. Conf. on Deep Freezing of Boar Semen, Uppsala, Sweden. (pp225 -238 ).