1. Der epidemiologische Zugang zur Therapie der Fussmykosen. The epidemiological access to the therapy of tinea pedis;Chmel;Zschr. Haut.-Geschl.-Krkh.,1969
2. Vergleich der Wirksamkeit von Coldstin, Novobiocin und Actidion zu Desertomycin bei der Züchtung von Dermatophyten aus Nagel- und Hautmaterial nach dem Einbettungsverfahren. Comparison of the effect of Colistin, Novobiocin und Actidion with Desertomycin in the cultivation of dermatophytes from the nails and skin;Götz;Mykosen,1969
3. Nové aspekty na patogenitu kvasinkovitch mikroorganizmov v medicíne. New aspects on the pathogenicity of yeast-like microorganisms in medicine;Jesenská;Biol. Listy,1969
4. Mykologickáštúdia kmea Cryptococcus neoformans, izolo-vaného od pacienta s primárnou kožnou kryptokokózou. Mycological investigation of the strain Cryptococcus neoformans isolated from a patient with primary cryptococcosis of the skin;Jesenská;Cs. Epidem.,1969
5. Vskyt pôvodcov mykóz v spacích a ležadlovch vozoch ČSD. The incidence of fungi causing mycoses in Wagons-Lits and Sleeping Berths of Czechoslovak Railways;Lubojack;Čs. Hyg.,1969