1. Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resource Management Norwegian University of Life Sciences Ås Norway
2. Département de Biologie Faculté des Sciences 2500 boul. de l'Université Sherbrooke Sherbrooke QC Canada
3. School of Biological Sciences Institute of Biological and Environmental Sciences University of Aberdeen Aberdeen UK
4. The James Hutton Institute Aberdeen UK
5. Department of Forestry and Wildlife Management Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences Elverum Norway
6. Department of Interdisciplinary Life Sciences Research Institute of Wildlife Ecology University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna Austria
7. Frankfurt Zoological Society Addis Ababa Ethiopia
8. Faculty of Veterinary Science Norwegian University of Life Sciences Oslo Norway
9. Department of Arctic and Marine Biology The Arctic University of Norway Tromsø Norway
10. Norwegian Institute for Nature Research Trondheim Norway
11. Center for Energy Metabolism and Reproduction Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology Chinese Academy of Sciences Shenzhen China
12. CAS Center of Excellence in Animal Evolution and Genetics Kunming China
13. State Key Laboratory of Molecular Developmental Biology Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing China