1. IMAD Hepato‐Gastroenterology & Digestive Oncology Unit University Hospital of Nantes Nantes France
2. University of Nantes Nantes France
3. INSERM UMR1235The Enteric Nervous System in Gut and Brain Disorders Nantes France
4. Department of Clinical Pharmacology Wroclaw Medical University Wroclaw Poland
5. Department of Biochemistry University Hospital of Nantes Nantes France
6. Department of Biostatistics University Hospital of Nantes Nantes France
7. Department of Hepato‐Gastroenterology University Hospital of Tours Tours France
8. Department of Hepato‐Gastroenterology Ambroise‐Paré HospitalAP‐HPParis Saclay UniversityUVSQINSERM, Infection and Inflammation Paris France
9. Department of Hepato‐Gastroenterology Poitiers University Hospital and University of Poitiers Poitiers France
10. Department of Pathology University Hospital of Nantes Nantes France