1. ASSOCIATION OF OFFICIAL AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTS (1970 )Official Methods of Analysis of the Association of Agricultural Chemists. 11th Edn. Washington 4, D. C.
2. J. S. O. AYENI (1980 )The Biology and Utilization of Helmet Guineafowl(Numida meleagris galeata Pallas)in Nigeria. Ph. D Thesis University of Ibadan, Nigeria.
3. The biology and utilization of helmeted guinea-fowl (Numida meleagris galeata Pallas) in Nigeria. II. Food of helmeted guinea-fowl in Kainji Lake Basin area of Nigeria
4. G. S. CHILD (1974 )An Ecological Survey of the Borgu Game Reserve. Technical Report No. 4, FI: SF/NIR 23, F. A. C., Rome.