1. A.M. Baker(1980 ) M.Sc. Thesis . University of Glasgow(referred to by Leaver1980 )
2. R.W. Brougham, D.C. Causley, and L.E. Madgwick(1975 ) Pasture management systems and animal production . Proceedings of the Ruakura Farmers' Conference, pp.65 -69 .
3. A.M. Bryant, and M.A.S. Cook(1980 ) A comparison of three systems of wintering dairy cattle . Proceedings of the Ruakura Farmers Conference, pp, 181 -188 .
4. A.M. Bryant, C.W. Holmes, and T.I. Phillips (1985 ) Utilization of pasture on dairy farms , In: Utilization of pasture on dairy farms . Australian Society of Animal Production, pp, 48 -63 .