1. Royal College of Anaesthetists, Royal College of Nursing, Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland, British Pain Society, European Society of Regional Anaesthesia & Pain Therapy Good Practice in the Management of Continuous Epidural Analgesia in the Hospital Setting http://www.aagbi.org/publications/guidelines/docs/epidanalg04.pdf
2. National Patient Safety Agency Patient Safety Alert 21. Safer Practice with Epidural Injections and Infusions http://www.saferhealthcare.org.uk
3. Royal College of Anaesthetists Report and Findings of the Third National Audit Project: Major Complications of Central Neuraxial Block http://www.rcoa.ac.uk/docs/NAP3_web-large.pdf
4. Hospital policy for prevention of infection after neuraxial blocks in obstetrics;Benhamou;International Journal of Obstetric Anesthesia,2002