1. Advocates for Survivors of Child Abuse (2004 )Child Abuse Disgrace in Australia. Media release, 30 September. Available at http://www.asca.org/news/media_releases1.html (accessed 26 November 2005).
2. Mandatory reporting of child abuse and neglect: does it really make a difference?
3. Australian Capital Territory (2004 )ACT Government Acts Swiftly in Response to Child Protection Report. Media release, 25 May. Available at http://www.act.gov.au (accessed 26 November 2005).
4. Australian Childhood Foundation (2004 )Urgent Call for State and Federal Governments to Develop a National Framework on Protecting Children.Media release, 8 April. Available at http://www.kidscount.com.au (accessed 26 November 2005).
5. Australian Institute for Health and Welfare (2001 )Child Protection Australia 1999-2000. Canberra. Available at http://www.aihw.gov.au (accessed 26 November 2005).