1. T. S. Detinova (1962 ) Age grouping methods in diptera of medical importance. W. H. O. Monograph Series No. 47, Geneva.
2. Experiments on the control of the olive fly, Dacus oleae (Gmel.), by the combined effect of insecticides and releases of gamma-ray sterilized insects
3. Sampling techniques and preparation of partial life tables for the olive fly,Dacus oleae(Diptera: Trypetidae) in Corfu
4. G. Manikas (1974 ) Ecological investigations on the olive fly,Dacus oleae(In Greek) . Ph. D. thesis , Agricultural University of Athens.
5. M. McFadden (1975 ) Final report to FAO for research carried out on behalf of the UNDP Project on ‘Research on the Control of Olive Pests and Diseases in Continental Greece, Crete and Corfu’.