1. T.A. Afolayan(1977 )Savanna structure and productivity in relation to burning and grazing regimes in Kainji Lake National Park. Ph.D. Thesis University of Ibadan , Nigeria.
2. W.L. Brinckman, and P.N. Leeuw(1975 ) The nutritive value of browse and its importance in traditional pastoralism. Paper presented at theIbadan/Garoua International Symposium on Wildlife Management22-27 Sept., 1975, Ibadan, Nigeria.
3. P.N. Leeuw(1975 ) Species preferences of domestic ruminants grazing Nigeria savanna. Paper presented at theIbadan/Garoua International Symposium on Wildlife Management, 22-27 Sept., 1975, Ibadan, Nigeria.
4. K.W. Parker(1950 )Report on the three step method for measuring condition and trend of forest ranges. U.S.D.A. For. Serv., Washington (mimeo 68 pp.).