1. Scorpiurus muricatus L. subsp. subvillosus (L.) Thell.: da specie spontanea a specie coltivata (Scorpiurus muricatus L. subsp. subvillosus (L.) Thell.: from spontaneous to cultivated species);Abbate;Tecnica Agricola,2007
2. Reflections on the value of some forage species adapted to the arid and semi-arid zones;Abdelguerfi;Annales de l’Institut National Agronomique, El Harrach, Algeria,1989
3. Autoecologie de legumineuses spontanees d’interet fourrager et-ou pastoral en Algerie (Autoecology of spontaneous legumes used for forage and/or grazing in Algeria);Abdelguerfi;Options Méditerranéennes,1999