1. 1962 Council Directive of 23 October 1962, on the approximation of the rules of the Member States concerning the colouring matters authorized for use in foodstuffs intended for human consumption Official Journal of the European Communities
2. 1963 Council Directive 64/54/EEC of 5 November 1963, on the approximation of the rules of the Member States concerning the preservatives authorized for use in foodstuffs intended for human consumption Official Journal of the European Communities
3. Directive 68/420/EEC of 20 December 1968. O.J. L309 of 24.12.1968 25
4. Directive 70/359/EEC of 13 July 1970. O.J. L157 of 18.7.1970 38
5. Directive 71/160/EEC of 30 March 1971. O.J. L87 of 17.4.1971 12