1. 1. JH Stokes, H Beerman, and NR Ingraham, Modern clinical syphilology, diagnosis treatment. case study . (3rd Ed ). Philadelphia: Saunders, 1945 , 527 .
2. 2. JK Howles . A synopsis of clinical syphilis . St Louis: Mosby, 1943 , 73 -74 .
3. 4. T Rosen, and S Martin . Atlas of Black Dermatology . Boston: Little, brown and company, 1981 , 46 -47 .
4. 5. H Mehregen Amir, Pinkus' Guide to Dermatohistopathology (4th edn ). Norwalk, Connecticut: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1986 , 264 .