1. *Self-help and Health in Europe: New Approaches in Health Care, Edited by StephenHatch & IlonaKickbusch. WHO Regional Office for Europe, Copenhagen. 1983. Pp. 198.
2. † Health Promotion: an Overview. By RobertAnderson. Unit Tecnical Paper., WHO Regional Office for Europe, Copenhagen. 1983. Pp. 43.
3. ‡ Inequalities in Health: the Black Report. Edited by PeterTownsend & NickDavidson. Penguin, Harmondsworth, Middlesex. 1982.
4. Healthy Lifestyles: Motivation and Legislative Measures (1983) Report on a WHO seminar, Institute for Health Education of the German Hygiene Museum in the G.D.R. WHO Collaborating Centre for Health Education, Dresden. 1983. Pp. 54.