1. 1. AgriculturalResearchCouncil., 1965 . The nutrient requirements of farm livestock . 2. Ruminants. London: H.M.S.O.
2. 2. G. Alderman, 1969 . Dried grass for ruminants . Occ. Symp. 6. Br. Grassld Socpp, 10 -13 .
3. The evaluation of artificially dried grass as a source of energy for sheep:III. The prediction of nutritive value from chemical and biological measurements
4. 4. K. L. Blaxter, 1962 . The energy metabolism of ruminants. London: Hutchinson.
5. 5. R. C. Campling, 1965 . The voluntary intake of conserved grass by cattle . Occ. Symp. 6. Br. Grassld Socpp.903 -5 .