1. E. Arwidsson, K.G. Thorn, and N. Tarnvik(1967 ). Sorkskador pa jordbruksgrodor i Jamtlands, Norrbottens och Vasterbottens Ian (mimeo., in Swedish).
2. K.R. Ashby(1959 ). Variation in the number of mice and voles (Apodemus, ClethrionomysandMicrotus) in woodland near Durham and an analysis of their effect on the regeneration of forest .Proc. 15th Internat. Congr. Zool.: 759 -761 .
3. Studies on the ecology of field mice and voles (
Apodemus sylvaticus, Clethrionomys glareolus
Microtus agrestis
) in Houghall Wood, Durham