1. Toruń Centre for Astronomy; Nicolaus Copernicus University; Gagarin Str. 11; 87-100; Toruń; Poland
2. Kepler Institute of Astronomy; University of Zielona Góra; Lubuska 2; 65-265; Zielona Góra; Poland
3. Institut für Astrophysik; Universität Goettingen; Friedrich-Hund-Platz 1; DE; 37077; Göttingen; Germany
4. Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics; Giessenbachstrasse; 85748; Garching; Germany
5. Leibniz-Institute für Astrophysik (AIP); An der Sternwarte 16; 14482; Potsdam; Germany
6. Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI); Optical Astronomy Research Center; 776 Daedukdae-ro; Daejeon; 305-348; Republic of Korea
7. Institute for Astronomy and NASA Astrobiology Institute; University of Hawaii-Manoa; 2680 Woodlawn Drive; Honolulu; HI; 96822; USA